The Alaska Species Ranking System (ASRS) is a prioritization tool that assesses the conservation status of native vertebrates in Alaska. It was developed in collaboration with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Threatened, Endangered, and Diversity (TED) Program. The goal of the ASRS is to provide detailed information on the conservation needs of Alaska’s wildlife to help the TED Program and their partners set priorities for wildlife conservation and inform Alaska’s State Wildlife Action Plan (SWAP). The ASRS provides an objective way to rank all native vertebrates through a lens that is specific to Alaska, which helps to identify those that require the most focus in the SWAP. Such taxa are called Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN).
The ASRS was initially developed in the mid-2000s. In 2012, the first version of the ASRS was released. Ranks have been regularly updated since then and there have been changes to the ranking system as well. In 2022, staff at ACCS and ADF&G used updated ranks to assess the conservation status of small mammal species in Alaska. In 2025, the ranking system was revised; the ranks shown here reflect the most recent changes. Please fill out a Data Request Form if you would like a copy of the ASRS assessment for one or more taxa.
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Common Name | Scientific Name | Color Rank | Numerical Rank | Status Score | Biological Score | % Global Population |
Alaska Hare | Lepus othus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -38 | Endemic |
Alaska Marmot | Marmota broweri | Orange | III | 0 | -6 | Endemic |
Alder Flycatcher | Empidonax alnorum | Red | II | 6 | -32 | <25% |
Aleutian Tern | Onychoprion aleuticus | Red | II | 6 | -21 | <25% |
American Dipper | Cinclus mexicanus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -38 | <25% |
American Golden-Plover | Pluvialis dominica | Yellow | IV | 0 | -33 | 25-74% |
American Kestrel | Falco sparverius | Red | II | 6 | -28 | <25% |
American Marten, Kenai | Martes americana kenaiensis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -19 | Endemic |
American Pipit | Anthus rubescens | Red | II | 6 | -32 | <25% |
American Redstart | Setophaga ruticilla | Orange | III | 0 | -14 | <25% |
American Three-Toed Woodpecker | Picoides dorsalis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -28 | <25% |
American Tree Sparrow | Spizelloides arborea | Yellow | IV | 0 | -39 | 25-74% |
Arctic Fox | Vulpes lagopus | Blue | VI | -11 | -24 | <25% |
Arctic Ground Squirrel | Urocitellus parryii | Yellow | IV | 0 | -40 | 25-74% |
Arctic Ground Squirrel (plesius) | Urocitellus parryii plesius | Yellow | IV | 0 | -26 | 25-74% |
Arctic Ground Squirrel, Aleutian | Urocitellus parryii ablusus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -34 | Endemic |
Arctic Ground Squirrel, Barrow | Urocitellus parryii kennicottii | Yellow | IV | 0 | -32 | 25-74% |
Arctic Ground Squirrel, Kodiak Island | Urocitellus parryii kodiacensis | Orange | III | 0 | -4 | Endemic |
Arctic Ground Squirrel, Osgood's | Urocitellus parryii osgoodi | Yellow | IV | 0 | -26 | Endemic |
Arctic Ground Squirrel, Shumagin Islands | Urocitellus parryii nebulicola | Orange | III | 0 | -4 | Endemic |
Arctic Ground Squirrel, St. Lawrence Island | Urocitellus parryii lyratus | Orange | III | 0 | 0 | Endemic |
Arctic Loon | Gavia arctica | Orange | III | 0 | -10 | <25% |
Arctic Tern | Sterna paradisaea | Yellow | IV | 0 | -34 | <25% |
Arctic Warbler | Phylloscopus borealis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -32 | <25% |
Baird's Beaked Whale, Alaska Stock | Berardius bairdii | Orange | III | 0 | -13.5 | Unknown |
Bald Eagle | Haliaeetus leucocephalus | Blue | VI | -3 | -24 | 25-74% |
Bank Swallow | Riparia riparia | Red | II | 16 | -32 | <25% |
Bar-Tailed Godwit (baueri) | Limosa lapponica baueri | Red | I | 10 | -12 | Endemic |
Baranof Island Short-tailed Weasel | Mustela erminea initis | Orange | III | 0 | -2 | Endemic |
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | Red | II | 12 | -20 | <25% |
Barren Ground Shrew | Sorex ugyunak | Yellow | IV | 0 | -32 | 25-74% |
Bearded Seal, Beringia DPS | Erignathus barbatus nauticus | Red | II | 6 | -30 | 25-74% |
Beluga, Cook Inlet DPS | Delphinapterus leucas pop. 4 | Red | I | 20 | 20 | Endemic |
Black Brant, Pacific | Branta bernicla nigricans | Red | I | 12 | 4 | ≥75% |
Black Guillemot | Cepphus grylle | Red | I | 10 | 20 | <25% |
Black Oystercatcher | Haematopus bachmani | Orange | III | 0 | 11 | 25-74% |
Black Scoter | Melanitta americana | Blue | V | 2 | -16 | 25-74% |
Black Swift | Cypseloides niger | Red | I | 6 | 11 | <25% |
Black-Backed Woodpecker | Picoides arcticus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -18 | <25% |
Black-Bellied Plover | Pluvialis squatarola | Yellow | IV | 0 | -20 | Unknown |
Black-Capped Chickadee | Poecile atricapillus | Blue | VI | -6 | -38 | <25% |
Black-Footed Albatross | Phoebastria nigripes | Blue | V | 6 | -14 | 25-74% |
Black-Legged Kittiwake | Rissa tridactyla | Red | II | 5 | -20 | 25-74% |
Blackpoll Warbler | Setophaga striata | Red | II | 10 | -36 | <25% |
Bluethroat | Luscinia svecica | Yellow | IV | 0 | -32 | <25% |
Bohemian Waxwing | Bombycilla garrulus | Red | II | 6 | -28 | <25% |
Boreal Chickadee | Poecile hudsonicus | Blue | VI | -6 | -35 | <25% |
Boreal Owl | Aegolius funereus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -22 | <25% |
Bowhead Whale, Western Arctic Stock | Balaena mysticetus | Blue | V | -3 | -3 | ≥75% |
Brambling | Fringilla montifringilla | Orange | III | 0 | 16 | <25% |
Bristle-Thighed Curlew | Numenius tahitiensis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -22 | ≥75% |
Brown Creeper | Certhia americana | Yellow | IV | 0 | -26 | <25% |
Brown Creeper (alascensis) | Certhia americana alascensis | Orange | III | 0 | -16 | Endemic |
Buff-Breasted Sandpiper | Calidris subruficollis | Red | I | 12 | -12 | <25% |
Buller's Shearwater | Ardenna bulleri | Orange | III | 0 | -13 | <25% |
Bushy-Tailed Woodrat | Neotoma cinerea | Yellow | IV | 0 | -19 | <25% |
Cackling Goose, Small | Branta hutchinsii minima | Blue | V | -3 | -16 | Endemic |
Cackling Goose, Taverner's | Branta hutchinsii taverneri | Blue | VI | -6 | -22 | ≥75% |
California Myotis | Myotis californicus | Orange | III | 0 | -7 | <25% |
Canada Goose, Dusky | Branta canadensis occidentalis | Red | I | 8 | -6 | ≥75% |
Canada Jay | Perisoreus canadensis | Red | II | 6 | -38 | <25% |
Cassin's Auklet | Ptychoramphus aleuticus | Blue | VI | 4 | -22 | <25% |
Cedar Waxwing | Bombycilla cedrorum | Red | II | 1 | -35.5 | <25% |
Chestnut-Backed Chickadee | Poecile rufescens | Blue | VI | -6 | -26 | 25-74% |
Cinereus Shrew | Sorex cinereus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -42 | <25% |
Cinereus Shrew (hollisteri) | Sorex cinereus hollisteri | Yellow | IV | 0 | -32 | Endemic |
Cinereus Shrew (streatori) | Sorex cinereus streatori | Yellow | IV | 0 | -24 | 25-74% |
Collared Pika | Ochotona collaris | Yellow | IV | 0 | -27 | 25-74% |
Columbia Spotted Frog | Rana luteiventris | Yellow | IV | 0 | -19 | <25% |
Common Eider, Pacific | Somateria mollissima v-nigrum | Blue | VI | 4 | -24 | 25-74% |
Common Minke Whale, Alaska Stock | Balaenoptera acutorostrata | Yellow | IV | 0 | -18.7 | <25% |
Common Murre | Uria aalge | Blue | V | -11 | -10 | <25% |
Common Muskrat | Ondatra zibethicus | Red | II | 6 | -41 | <25% |
Common Raven (kamtschaticus) | Corvus corax kamtschaticus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -18 | <25% |
Cuvier's Beaked Whale, Alaska Stock | Ziphius cavirostris | Orange | III | 0 | -14.5 | <25% |
Dall's Porpoise, Alaska Stock | Phocoenoides dalli | Yellow | IV | 0 | -36.5 | <25% |
Dark-Eyed Junco | Junco hyemalis | Blue | VI | -6 | -36 | 25-74% |
Dunlin | Calidris alpina | Red | II | 5 | -30 | 25-74% |
Dunlin, Arctic | Calidris alpina arcticola | Red | I | 16 | -16 | ≥75% |
Dunlin, Pacific | Calidris alpina pacifica | Blue | V | -11 | -16 | Endemic |
Emperor Goose | Anser canagicus | Blue | V | -3 | 2 | ≥75% |
Ermine or Short-tailed Weasel | Mustela erminea | Yellow | IV | 0 | -42 | <25% |
Fin Whale, Northeast Pacific Stock | Balaenoptera physalus | Red | II | 8 | -20 | <25% |
Fork-Tailed Storm-Petrel (furcatus) | Hydrobates furcatus furcatus | Blue | V | 4 | -14 | ≥75% |
Fork-Tailed Storm-Petrel (plumbeus) | Hydrobates furcatus plumbeus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -28 | <25% |
Fox Sparrow | Passerella iliaca | Blue | VI | -6 | -38 | 25-74% |
Fox Sparrow, Chilkat Sooty | Passerella iliaca chilcatensis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -20 | Endemic |
Fox Sparrow, Kodiak | Passerella iliaca insularis | Orange | III | 0 | -8 | Endemic |
Fox Sparrow, Shumagin | Passerella iliaca unalaschcensis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -20 | Endemic |
Fox Sparrow, Townsend's | Passerella iliaca townsendi | Blue | VI | -6 | -20 | ≥75% |
Fox Sparrow, Valdez | Passerella iliaca sinuosa | Yellow | IV | 0 | -20 | Endemic |
Fox Sparrow, Yakutat | Passerella iliaca annectens | Orange | III | 0 | -14 | Endemic |
Glaucous Gull | Larus hyperboreus | Blue | VI | -10 | -32 | 25-74% |
Glaucous-Winged Gull | Larus glaucescens | Yellow | IV | 0 | -29 | 25-74% |
Golden Eagle | Aquila chrysaetos | Orange | III | 0 | -8 | <25% |
Golden-Crowned Kinglet | Regulus satrapa | Yellow | IV | 0 | -25 | <25% |
Golden-Crowned Sparrow | Zonotrichia atricapilla | Yellow | IV | 0 | -38 | ≥75% |
Goshawk, American | Astur atricapillus | Blue | VI | -6 | -29 | <25% |
Goshawk, Queen Charlotte | Astur atricapillus laingi | Orange | III | 0 | 4 | Unknown |
Gray-Cheeked Thrush | Catharus minimus | Red | II | 6 | -44 | 25-74% |
Gray-Crowned Rosy-Finch | Leucosticte tephrocotis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -20 | Unknown |
Gray-Headed Chickadee (lathami) | Poecile cinctus lathami | Red | II | 12 | -20 | Unknown |
Gray-Tailed Tattler | Tringa brevipes | Orange | III | 0 | -5 | <25% |
Great Gray Owl | Strix nebulosa | Yellow | IV | 0 | -20 | <25% |
Greater White-Fronted Goose, Midcontinent Pop. | Anser albifrons frontalis | Blue | VI | -11 | -22 | 25-74% |
Greater White-Fronted Goose, Tule | Anser albifrons elgasi | Red | I | 0 | -2 | ≥75% |
Greater Yellowlegs | Tringa melanoleuca | Yellow | IV | 0 | -36 | 25-74% |
Gyrfalcon | Falco rusticolus | Red | I | 0 | -6 | <25% |
Harbor Porpoise | Phocoena phocoena | Red | II | 6 | -40 | <25% |
Harbor Porpoise, Bering Sea Stock | Phocoena phocoena pop. 3 | Orange | III | 0 | -14 | <25% |
Harbor Porpoise, Gulf of Alaska Stock | Phocoena phocoena pop. 2 | Orange | III | 0 | -12 | <25% |
Harbor Porpoise, Southeast Alaska Stock | Phocoena phocoena pop. 1 | Orange | III | 0 | 6 | <25% |
Harbor Seal, Alaska Stocks | Phoca vitulina richardii | Red | II | 10 | -30 | 25-74% |
Harlequin Duck | Histrionicus histrionicus | Blue | VI | -6 | -34 | 25-74% |
Hermit Thrush | Catharus guttatus | Blue | VI | -11 | -39 | <25% |
Herring Gull | Larus argentatus | Orange | III | 0 | -10 | <25% |
Hoary Marmot | Marmota caligata | Yellow | IV | 0 | -32 | 25-74% |
Hoary Marmot, Glacier Bay | Marmota caligata vigilis | Orange | III | 0 | 16.5 | Endemic |
Hoary Marmot, Montague Island | Marmota caligata sheldoni | Orange | III | 0 | 29.5 | Endemic |
Holarctic Least Shrew | Sorex minutissimus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -36 | <25% |
Horned Grebe | Podiceps auritus | Red | II | 12 | -33.6 | <25% |
Horned Lark | Eremophila alpestris | Red | II | 6 | -28 | <25% |
Horned Puffin | Fratercula corniculata | Yellow | IV | 0 | -22 | ≥75% |
Iceland Gull (Includes Thayer's) | Larus glaucoides | Orange | III | 0 | -5 | Unknown |
Insular Vole | Microtus abbreviatus | Blue | V | -11 | -12 | Endemic |
Ivory Gull | Pagophila eburnea | Red | I | 10 | -6 | <25% |
Killdeer | Charadrius vociferus | Red | II | 6 | -20 | <25% |
King Eider | Somateria spectabilis | Blue | V | -3 | -10 | <25% |
Kittlitz's Murrelet | Brachyramphus brevirostris | Blue | VI | -3 | -26 | 25-74% |
Lapland Longspur | Calcarius lapponicus | Red | II | 6 | -38 | Unknown |
Laysan Albatross | Phoebastria immutabilis | Blue | V | 4 | -14 | 25-74% |
Leach's Storm-Petrel (leucorhous) | Hydrobates leucorhous leucorhous | Red | II | 0 | -26 | 25-74% |
Least Sandpiper | Calidris minutilla | Red | II | 6 | -33 | 25-74% |
Lesser Scaup | Aythya affinis | Blue | VI | -5 | -34 | <25% |
Lesser Yellowlegs | Tringa flavipes | Red | II | 10 | -36 | 25-74% |
Little Brown Myotis | Myotis lucifugus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -25 | <25% |
Long-Billed Dowitcher | Limnodromus scolopaceus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -36 | Unknown |
Long-Eared Myotis | Myotis evotis | Orange | III | 0 | -7 | <25% |
Long-Legged Myotis | Myotis volans | Orange | III | 0 | 3 | <25% |
Long-Tailed Jaeger | Stercorarius longicaudus | Orange | III | 0 | -16 | <25% |
Long-Tailed Vole | Microtus longicaudus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -38 | <25% |
Long-Tailed Vole, (littoralis) | Microtus longicaudus littoralis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -36 | 25-74% |
Long-Tailed Vole, Coronation Island | Microtus longicaudus coronarius | Orange | III | 0 | 3 | Endemic |
Long-Toed Salamander | Ambystoma macrodactylum | Orange | III | 0 | -2 | <25% |
Macgillivray's Warbler | Geothlypis tolmiei | Orange | III | 0 | -9 | <25% |
Mainland Southeast Short-tailed Weasel | Mustela erminea alascensis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -20.4 | Endemic |
Marbled Godwit (beringiae) | Limosa fedoa beringiae | Orange | III | 0 | 4 | Endemic |
Marbled Murrelet | Brachyramphus marmoratus | Blue | VI | -5 | -34 | ≥75% |
Mckay's Bunting | Plectrophenax hyperboreus | Orange | III | 0 | -2 | Endemic |
Meadow Jumping Mouse | Zapus hudsonius | Yellow | IV | 0 | -26 | <25% |
Meadow Vole | Microtus pennsylvanicus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -44 | <25% |
Meadow Vole, Admiralty | Microtus pennsylvanicus admiraltiae | Orange | III | 0 | -4 | Endemic |
Merlin, Black | Falco columbarius suckleyi | Red | II | 12 | -20 | 25-74% |
Montane Shrew, Northern | Sorex obscurus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -38 | 25-74% |
Mottled Petrel | Pterodroma inexpectata | Yellow | IV | 0 | -26.5 | <25% |
Nearctic Collared Lemming | Dicrostonyx groenlandicus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -32 | <25% |
Neartic Brown Lemming | Lemmus trimucronatus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -42 | 25-74% |
Neartic Brown Lemming, Nunivak Island | Lemmus trimucronatus harroldi | Red | I | 6 | -1 | Endemic |
Neartic Brown Lemming, black-footed | Lemmus trimucronatus nigripes | Orange | III | 0 | 17 | Endemic |
North American Porcupine | Erethizon dorsatum | Yellow | IV | 0 | -34.5 | Unknown |
North American Red Squirrel | Tamiasciurus hudsonicus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -30 | <25% |
North American Red Squirrel (petulans) | Tamiasciurus hudsonicus petulans | Orange | III | 0 | -16 | 25-74% |
North American Red Squirrel (preblei) | Tamiasciurus hudsonicus preblei | Yellow | IV | 0 | -24 | 25-74% |
North American Red Squirrel, Kenai | Tamiasciurus hudsonicus kenaiensis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -18 | Endemic |
North American Red Squirrel, Kupreanof | Tamiasciurus hudsonicus picatus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -18 | ≥75% |
North American River Otter, Kodiak | Lontra canadensis kodiacensis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -17 | Endemic |
North American River Otter, Prince of Wales | Lontra canadensis mira | Red | II | 6 | -22.5 | Endemic |
North Pacific Right Whale, Eastern North Pacific Stock | Eubalaena japonica | Red | I | 6 | 19.5 | Unknown |
Northern Bog Lemming | Synaptomys borealis | Blue | VI | -5 | -23 | <25% |
Northern Flying Squirrel | Glaucomys sabrinus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -27 | <25% |
Northern Flying Squirrel, Prince of Wales | Glaucomys sabrinus griseifrons | Orange | III | 0 | -1 | Endemic |
Northern Fulmar | Fulmarus glacialis | Red | I | 1 | 10 | <25% |
Northern Fur Seal, Eastern Pacific Stock | Callorhinus ursinus | Red | I | 8 | -6 | 25-74% |
Northern Hawk-Owl | Surnia ulula | Yellow | IV | 0 | -22 | <25% |
Northern Pintail | Anas acuta | Blue | VI | -6 | -26 | <25% |
Northern Red-Backed Vole | Clethrionomys rutilus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -38 | <25% |
Northern Saw-Whet Owl | Aegolius acadicus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -22 | <25% |
Northern Shrike | Lanius borealis | Red | II | 6 | -26 | 25-74% |
Northern Wheatear | Oenanthe oenanthe | Yellow | IV | 0 | -28 | <25% |
Northwestern Deermouse | Peromyscus keeni | Yellow | IV | 0 | -36 | 25-74% |
Northwestern Salamander | Ambystoma gracile | Orange | III | 0 | 8 | <25% |
Olive-Sided Flycatcher | Contopus cooperi | Red | II | 16 | -32 | <25% |
Orange-Crowned Warbler | Leiothlypis celata | Yellow | IV | 0 | -31 | 25-74% |
Pacific Golden-Plover | Pluvialis fulva | Yellow | IV | 0 | -30 | <25% |
Pacific Marten | Martes caurina | Red | I | 12 | 4 | Unknown |
Pacific Walrus, Alaska Stock | Odobenus rosmarus divergens | Red | I | 10 | -16 | ≥75% |
Pacific White-sided Dolphin, North Pacific Stock | Sagmatias obliquidens | Yellow | IV | 0 | -29.5 | <25% |
Pacific Wren | Troglodytes pacificus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -36 | 25-74% |
Pacific Wren, Attu | Troglodytes pacificus meligerus | Orange | III | 0 | 8 | Endemic |
Pacific Wren, Kiska | Troglodytes pacificus kiskensis | Orange | III | 0 | 0 | Endemic |
Pacific Wren, Kodiak | Troglodytes pacificus helleri | Orange | III | 0 | -14 | Endemic |
Pacific Wren, Pribilof | Troglodytes pacificus alascensis | Orange | III | 0 | 10 | Endemic |
Pacific Wren, Semidi | Troglodytes pacificus semidiensis | Orange | III | 0 | 12 | Endemic |
Parakeet Auklet | Aethia psittacula | Yellow | IV | 0 | -28 | 25-74% |
Parasitic Jaeger | Stercorarius parasiticus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -27.2 | Unknown |
Pectoral Sandpiper | Calidris melanotos | Red | II | 10 | -30 | 25-74% |
Pelagic Cormorant | Urile pelagicus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -17 | 25-74% |
Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus | Blue | V | 2 | -12 | <25% |
Peregrine Falcon, Paele's | Falco peregrinus pealei | Orange | III | 0 | -7 | 25-74% |
Pigeon Guillemot | Cepphus columba | Red | II | 8 | -34 | 25-74% |
Pine Grosbeak | Pinicola enucleator | Blue | VI | -6 | -44 | <25% |
Pine Siskin | Spinus pinus | Blue | VI | -6 | -36 | <25% |
Pink-Footed Shearwater | Puffinus creatopus | Orange | III | 0 | -11 | <25% |
Polar Bear, Southern Beaufort Sea Stock | Ursus maritimus | Red | I | 18 | -6 | <25% |
Pomarine Jaeger | Stercorarius pomarinus | Orange | III | 0 | 0 | <25% |
Pribilof Island Shrew | Sorex pribilofensis | Orange | III | 0 | 14 | Endemic |
Prince of Wales Island Short-tailed Weasel | Mustela erminea celenda | Red | I | 10 | -3.9 | Endemic |
Pygmy Shrew | Sorex hoyi | Yellow | IV | 0 | -38 | <25% |
Red Crossbill | Loxia curvirostra | Yellow | IV | 0 | -32 | <25% |
Red Knot, Pacific | Calidris canutus roselaari | Red | I | 6 | 2 | 25-74% |
Red Phalarope | Phalaropus fulicarius | Red | II | 6 | -36 | 25-74% |
Red-Breasted Sapsucker | Sphyrapicus ruber | Blue | VI | -10 | -19 | 25-74% |
Red-Faced Cormorant | Urile urile | Red | I | 6 | -11 | Unknown |
Red-Legged Kittiwake | Rissa brevirostris | Blue | V | -3 | 4 | ≥75% |
Red-Necked Grebe | Podiceps grisegena | Red | II | 6 | -37 | <25% |
Red-Necked Phalarope | Phalaropus lobatus | Red | II | 6 | -33 | 25-74% |
Red-Necked Stint | Calidris ruficollis | Orange | III | 0 | 2 | <25% |
Red-Tailed Hawk | Buteo jamaicensis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -28 | <25% |
Red-Throated Loon | Gavia stellata | Red | II | 6 | -22 | <25% |
Red-Throated Pipit | Anthus cervinus | Orange | III | 0 | 2 | <25% |
Red-Winged Blackbird | Agelaius phoeniceus | Red | II | 6 | -20 | <25% |
Redpoll | Acanthis flammea | Red | II | 6 | -38 | <25% |
Ribbon Seal | Histriophoca fasciata | Red | II | 8 | -20 | 25-74% |
Ringed Seal, Arctic Stock | Pusa hispida hispida | Red | II | 0 | -32 | <25% |
Rock Ptarmigan, Evermann's | Lagopus muta evermanni | Red | I | 12 | -11 | Endemic |
Rock Ptarmigan, Townsend's | Lagopus muta townsendi | Orange | III | 0 | 1 | Endemic |
Rock Ptarmigan, Turner's | Lagopus muta atkhensis | Orange | III | 0 | 11 | Endemic |
Rock Sandpiper, Aleutian | Calidris ptilocnemis couesi | Yellow | IV | 0 | -24 | Endemic |
Rock Sandpiper, Bering Sea | Calidris ptilocnemis tschuktschorum | Yellow | IV | 0 | -24 | ≥75% |
Rock Sandpiper, Pribilof | Calidris ptilocnemis ptilocnemis | Orange | III | 0 | 4 | Endemic |
Root Vole | Microtus oeconomus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -38 | <25% |
Root Vole, Montague Island | Microtus oeconomus elymocetes | Red | I | 6 | 5 | Endemic |
Root Vole, Punuk Island | Microtus oeconomus punukensis | Red | I | 12 | -4 | Endemic |
Root Vole, Shumagin Island | Microtus oeconomus popofensis | Orange | III | 0 | -1 | Endemic |
Root Vole, Sitka | Microtus oeconomus sitkensis | Red | I | 6 | -5 | Endemic |
Root Vole, Unalaska | Microtus oeconomus unalascensis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -28 | Endemic |
Root Vole, Yakutat | Microtus oeconomus yakutatensis | Orange | III | 0 | 0 | Endemic |
Ross's Gull | Rhodostethia rosea | Yellow | IV | 0 | -38.2 | ≥75% |
Rough-Legged Hawk | Buteo lagopus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -23 | <25% |
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet (calendula) | Corthylio calendula calendula | Yellow | IV | 0 | -32 | <25% |
Ruby-Crowned Kinglet (grinnelli) | Corthylio calendula grinnelli | Blue | VI | -6 | -20 | 25-74% |
Ruddy Turnstone | Arenaria interpres | Yellow | IV | 0 | -34 | <25% |
Rufous Hummingbird | Selasphorus rufus | Red | II | 10 | -24 | <25% |
Rusty Blackbird | Euphagus carolinus | Blue | VI | -11 | -38 | <25% |
Sabine's Gull | Xema sabini | Blue | VI | -10 | -32 | <25% |
Sanderling | Calidris alba | Orange | III | 0 | -8 | <25% |
Sandhill Crane | Antigone canadensis | Blue | VI | -6 | -28 | <25% |
Savannah Sparrow | Passerculus sandwichensis | Red | II | 6 | -38 | <25% |
Sea Otter | Enhydra lutris | Blue | VI | 5.6 | -37.2 | ≥75% |
Semipalmated Sandpiper | Calidris pusilla | Blue | VI | -6 | -40 | <25% |
Short-Billed Dowitcher (caurinus) | Limnodromus griseus caurinus | Red | II | 6 | -36 | ≥75% |
Short-Billed Gull | Larus brachyrhynchus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -34 | 25-74% |
Short-Eared Owl | Asio flammeus | Red | II | 1 | -34 | <25% |
Short-Tailed Shearwater | Puffinus tenuirostris | Red | II | 6 | -30 | Unknown |
Silver-Haired Bat | Lasionycteris noctivagans | Orange | III | 0 | -7 | <25% |
Singing Vole | Microtus miurus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -32 | 25-74% |
Slaty-Backed Gull | Larus schistisagus | Orange | III | 0 | 20 | <25% |
Smith's Longspur | Calcarius pictus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -26 | <25% |
Snow Bunting | Plectrophenax nivalis | Red | II | 6 | -36 | <25% |
Snow Bunting (townsendi) | Plectrophenax nivalis townsendi | Yellow | IV | 0 | -18 | ≥75% |
Snowshoe Hare | Lepus americanus | Blue | VI | -10 | -46 | <25% |
Snowy Owl | Bubo scandiacus | Red | I | 6 | -15 | <25% |
Solitary Sandpiper (cinnamomea) | Tringa solitaria cinnamomea | Blue | VI | 3 | -24 | ≥75% |
Song Sparrow, Aleutian | Melospiza melodia sanaka | Orange | III | 0 | -14 | Endemic |
Song Sparrow, Bischoff | Melospiza melodia insignis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -20 | Unknown |
Song Sparrow, Giant | Melospiza melodia maxima | Yellow | IV | 0 | -20 | Endemic |
Song Sparrow, Kenai | Melospiza melodia kenaiensis | Orange | III | 0 | -14 | Endemic |
Song Sparrow, Sooty | Melospiza melodia rufina | Yellow | IV | 0 | -20 | ≥75% |
Song Sparrow, Yakutat | Melospiza melodia caurina | Orange | III | 0 | -14 | Unknown |
Sooty Shearwater | Puffinus griseus | Red | II | 6 | -26 | <25% |
Southern Red-Backed Vole | Clethrionomys gapperi | Yellow | IV | 0 | -28 | <25% |
Southern Red-Backed Vole, Gapper's | Clethrionomys gapperi stikinensis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -28.62 | 25-74% |
Southern Red-Backed Vole, Phaeus | Clethrionomys gapperi phaeus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -24.62 | <25% |
Southern Red-Backed Vole, Revillagigedo Island | Clethrionomys gapperi solus | Red | I | 6 | 2 | Endemic |
Southern Red-Backed Vole, Wrangell Island | Clethrionomys gapperi wrangeli | Orange | III | 0 | -16.62 | Endemic |
Sperm Whale, North Pacific Stock | Physeter macrocephalus | Orange | III | 0 | -8.5 | <25% |
Spotted Sandpiper | Actitis macularius | Blue | VI | -6 | -37 | 25-74% |
Spotted Seal, Bering Stock | Phoca largha | Red | II | 6 | -30 | 25-74% |
Spruce Grouse | Canachites canadensis | Red | II | 0 | -32 | <25% |
St. Lawrence Island Shrew | Sorex jacksoni | Orange | III | 0 | 8 | Endemic |
Stejneger's Beaked Whale, Alaska Stock | Mesoplodon stejnegeri | Orange | III | 0 | -3.5 | 25-74% |
Stilt Sandpiper | Calidris himantopus | Red | II | 6 | -24 | <25% |
Suemez Island Short-tailed Weasel | Mustela erminea seclusa | Orange | III | 0 | 16 | Endemic |
Surf Scoter | Melanitta perspicillata | Red | II | 10 | -28 | Unknown |
Surfbird | Calidris virgata | Yellow | IV | 0 | -17 | ≥75% |
Taiga or Yellow-cheeked Vole | Microtus xanthognathus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -38 | <25% |
Thick-Billed Murre | Uria lomvia | Blue | V | -11 | -10 | 25-74% |
Townsend'S Warbler | Setophaga townsendi | Blue | VI | -6 | -30 | 25-74% |
Tree Swallow | Tachycineta bicolor | Red | II | 16 | -32 | <25% |
Trumpeter Swan | Cygnus buccinator | Blue | VI | -8 | -24 | 25-74% |
Tufted Puffin | Fratercula cirrhata | Yellow | IV | 0 | -22 | ≥75% |
Tundra Shrew | Sorex tundrensis | Yellow | IV | 0 | -38 | <25% |
Upland Sandpiper | Bartramia longicauda | Yellow | IV | 0 | -30 | <25% |
Varied Thrush | Ixoreus naevius | Blue | VI | -6 | -35 | 25-74% |
Vaux's Swift | Chaetura vauxi | Red | I | 6 | 6 | <25% |
Violet-Green Swallow | Tachycineta thalassina | Yellow | IV | 0 | -44 | <25% |
Wandering Tattler | Tringa incana | Yellow | IV | 0 | -24 | 25-74% |
Western Grebe | Aechmophorus occidentalis | Red | II | 6 | -17 | <25% |
Western Sandpiper | Calidris mauri | Red | II | 6 | -24 | ≥75% |
Western Screech-Owl | Megascops kennicottii | Red | II | 6 | -20 | <25% |
Western Toad | Anaxyrus boreas | Yellow | IV | 0 | -28 | <25% |
Western Water Shrew | Sorex navigator | Yellow | IV | 0 | -30 | <25% |
Western Wood-Pewee | Contopus sordidulus | Red | II | 10 | -30 | <25% |
Whimbrel | Numenius phaeopus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -36 | 25-74% |
Whiskered Auklet | Aethia pygmaea | Blue | V | 2 | -16 | ≥75% |
White-Crowned Sparrow | Zonotrichia leucophrys | Red | II | 1 | -24 | 25-74% |
White-Winged Scoter | Melanitta fusca | Blue | VI | -3 | -28 | <25% |
Willow Ptarmigan | Lagopus lagopus | Red | II | 5 | -32 | <25% |
Wilson's Snipe | Gallinago delicata | Yellow | IV | 0 | -36 | <25% |
Wilson's Warbler | Cardellina pusilla | Yellow | IV | 0 | -32 | 25-74% |
Wood Frog | Lithobates sylvaticus | Yellow | IV | 0 | -30 | <25% |
Wood Sandpiper | Tringa glareola | Orange | III | 0 | -1 | <25% |
Yellow-Billed Loon | Gavia adamsii | Red | I | 6 | 6 | <25% |
Yellow-Rumped Warbler | Setophaga coronata | Yellow | IV | 0 | -39 | <25% |
Looking for more?
Range maps are available from the Wildlife Data Portal (compatible with Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge). References cited in the Conservation Reports can be viewed on our online reference library. Can’t find the report you’re looking for? Reach out to us and we’ll do our best to help.