The publications table below lists peer-reviewed journal articles and unreviewed project reports that ACCS staff have produced or contributed to. Use the search function to search for particular phrases, key words, authors, or other identifiers that might help you find a publication of interest. You can also change the sort order of the table by clicking the header cells. When available, the publication is linked through the title.
Citation |
Carlson, M.L., and J.R. Fulkerson. 2023. Informing Evaluation Candidates for Endangered Species Act Listing: Bee Diversity and Abundance from USGS Pitfall Traps on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Alaska Center for Conservation Science, University of Alaska Anchorage. 19 pp. plus appendix. |
Fulkerson, J.R. and C.L. Kinter. 2023. Reproductive ecology and bee associates of Packard’s milkvetch (Astragalus packardiae), a rare plant endemic to southwestern Idaho. Western North American Naturalist 83(2):243-253. |
Oke, T.A., D. Stralberg, D.G. Reid, B.A. Bennett, S. Cannings, C. Willier, J.R. Fulkerson, H.A. Cooke, and C.S. Mantyka-Pringle. 2023. Warming drives poleward range contractions of Beringian endemic plant species at high latitudes. Diversity and Distributions 29(4):509-523. |
Macander, M.J., P.R. Nelson, T.W. Nawrocki, G.V. Frost, K.M. Orndahl, E.C. Palm, A.F. Wells, and S.J. Goetz. 2022. Time-series maps reveal widespread change in plant functional type cover across Arctic and boreal Alaska and Yukon. Environmental Research Letters 17:054042 |
Santangelo, J.S.,…J.R. Fulkerson…M.T.J. Johnson. 2022. Global urbanization drives adaptation in the plant white clover. Science 375:1275–1281. |
Carlson, M. L., and J.R. Fulkerson. 2022. Phenotypic selection on floral traits in the arctic plant Parrya nudicaulis (Brassicaceae). Ecology and Evolution 12:e8624. |
Fulkerson, J.R., M.A. Steer, T. Chenot, B. DePue, J. Libby, and C. Wilson. 2022. Management, Species, Rare Plant Inventory: Rare and Culturally Significant Plants of Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. Applied Environmental Research Center and Alaska Center for Conservation Science, University of Alaska Anchorage. 147 pp. plus appendices. |
Fulkerson, J.R. 2021. Alaska Seeds of Success: 2020 – 2021 Field Season Report. Alaska Center for Conservation Science, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage Alaska. 18 pp. plus appendices |
Nawrocki, T.W., M.L. Carlson, J.L.D. Osnas, E.J. Trammell, and F.D.W. Witmer. 2020. Regional mapping of species-level continuous foliar cover: beyond categorical vegetation mapping. Ecological Applications 30:e02081. |
Flagstad, L.A., K.W. Boggs, T.V. Boucher, M.L. Carlson, M.A. Steer, B. Bernard, M. Aisu, P. Lema, and T. Kuo. 2019. Assessing the gap between conservation need and protection status for select rare ecosystems in Alaska. Conservation Science and Practice 1:e47. |
Boggs, K.W., T.V. Boucher, and M.L. McTeague. 2018. Plant Association Classification for Northern Alaska. Alaska Center for Conservation Science, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 144 pp. |
Carlson, M.L., and B.J. Heitz. 2018. Flora of the Bristol Bay Watershed. In: Woody, C. (ed). Bristol Bay Alaska Natural Resources of the Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems. J.Ross Publishing, Plantation, Florida. |
Carlson, M.L., E.J. Trammell, T.W. Nawrocki, and E. Noongwook. 2018. Additions to the vascular plant flora of St. Lawrence Island, Alaska: new records, rare species, and phytogeographic patterns. Rhodora 120:1-41. |
Carlson, M.L., L.A. Flagstad, T.V. Boucher, K.W. Boggs, and A.E. Miller. 2018. Vegetation of the Bristol Bay Watershed. In: Woody, C. (ed). Bristol Bay Alaska Natural Resources of the Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems. J.Ross Publishing. Plantation, Florida. |
Flagstad, L.A., and T.V. Boucher. 2017. Vegetation change in Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park: Using historic aerial imagery to detect change in forest and shrubland extent along the upper Chilkoot Trail. Natural Resource Report NPS/KLGO/NRR—2017/1408. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Boucher, T.V., L.A. Flagstad, and B. Bernard. 2016. National Vegetation Classification: Boreal and Arctic Alaska Regional Analysis. Alaska Center for Conservation Science, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 77 pp. |
Flagstad, L.A., and T.V. Boucher. 2015. Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park; Landcover classes and plant associations. Natural Resource Report NPS/KLGO/NRR 2015/917. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Fulkerson, J.R., and M.L. Carlson. 2015. Seeds of Success: 2015 Field Season Report. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 20 pp. |
Boucher, T.V., and L.A. Flagstad. 2014. Alagnak Wild River: Landcover classes and plant associations. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/ALAG/NRTR-2014/927. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Butler, T., C. Dick, M.L. Carlson, and J.B. Whittall. 2014. Transcriptome analysis of a petal anthocyanin polymorphism in the arctic mustard, Parrya nudicaulis. PLoS ONE 9:e101338. |
Fulkerson, J.R. 2014. Seeds of Success: 2013 Field Season Report. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 14 pp. |
Fulkerson, J.R., and M.L. Carlson. 2014. Summary of the 2013 Western Arctic Caribou Herd Project in McCarthys Marsh, Seward Peninsula, Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 9 pp. plus appendices. |
Fulkerson, J.R., B. Bernard, C. Crowder, and M.L. Carlson. 2014. Seeds of Success: 2014 Field Season Report. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 14 pp. |
Carlson, M.L., and H. Cortés-Burns. 2013. Rare Vascular Plant Distributions in Alaska: Evaluating Patterns of Habitat Suitability in the Face of Climate Change. In: Gibble, W., J. Combs, and S. Reichard. (eds.) 2013. Conserving Plant Biodiversity in a Changing World: a View from Northwestern North America. University of Washington Botanic Gardens. Conference Proceedings. 106 pp. |
Carlson, M.L., R. Lipkin, C. Roland, and A.E. Miller. 2013. New and Important Vascular Plant Collections from South-Central and Southwestern Alaska: A Region of Floristic Convergence. Rhodora 115:61-95. |
Cortés-Burns, H., L.A. Flagstad, and M.L. Carlson. 2013. Modeling the Distributions of Rare Plant Species within the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 26 pp. |
Flagstad, L.A., and T.V. Boucher. 2013. Landcover classes: Sitka National Historical Park. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/SITK/NRTR-2013/773. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Nawrocki, T.W., J.R. Fulkerson, and M.L. Carlson. 2013. Alaska Rare Plant Field Guide. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 350 pp. |
Boucher, T.V., K.W. Boggs, B. Koltun, T. Kuo, J. McGrath, and C. Lindsay. 2012. Plant associations, vegetation succession, and earth cover classes: Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/ANIA/NRTR 2012/557. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Duffy, M. 2012. Summary of Alaska Collections 2002-2012 AK025, AK040, AK930. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 83 pp. |
Fulkerson, J.R., J.B. Whittall, and M.L. Carlson. 2012. Reproductive ecology and severe pollen limitation in the polychromic tundra plant, Parrya nudicaulis (Brassicaceae). PLoS ONE 7:e32790. |
Heitz, B.J., and M.L. Carlson. 2012. Summary of the 2012 Western Arctic Caribou Herd Habitat and Utilization Study. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 5 pp. plus appendices. |
Carlson, M.L., and H. Cortés-Burns. 2011. Floristic survey of the Delta National Wild and Scenic River. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 39 pp. |
Dick, C.A., J. Buenrostro, T. Butler, M.L. Carlson, D.J. Kliebenstein, and J.B. Whittall. 2011. Arctic mustard flower color polymorphism controlled by petal-specific downregulation at the threshold of the anthocyanin biosynthetic pathway. PLoS ONE. 6:e18230. |
Boggs, K., S.C. Klein, J. Grunblatt, T. Boucher, B. Koltun, M. Sturdy, and G.P. Streveler. 2010. Alpine and subalpine vegetation chronosequences following deglaciation in coastal Alaska. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 42:385-395. |
Boucher, T.V., A.E. Miller, and K.W. Boggs. 2010. Detecting vegetation change in Kenai Fjords National Park: A revisit of 15-year-old inventory plots. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/SWAN/NRTR 2010/329. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Carlson, M.L., L.A. Flagstad, F. Gillet, and E.A.D. Mitchell. 2010. Community development along a proglacial chronosequence: are above-ground and below-ground community structure controlled more by biotic than abiotic factors? Journal of Ecology 98:1084-1095. |
Duffy, M., and H. Cortés-Burns. 2010. Floristic survey of the Gulkana National Wild and Scenic River. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 27 pp. |
Cortés-Burns, H., M.L. Carlson, R. Lipkin, L.A. Flagstad, and D. Yokel. 2009. Rare vascular plant species of the North Slope, Alaska. A review of the taxonomy, distribution and ecology of 31 rare plant taxa that occur in Alaskas North Slope region. Technical Report 58. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 116 pp. |
Boggs, K.W., M. Sturdy, D.J. Rinella, and M.J. Rinella. 2008. White spruce regeneration following a major spruce beetle outbreak in forests on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Forest Ecology and Management 255:3571–3579. |
Boggs, K.W., S.C. Klein, J.E. Grunblatt, G.P. Streveler, and B. Koltun. 2008. Landcover Classes and Plant Associations of Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/GLBA/NRTR 2008/093. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Boggs, K.W., S.C. Klein, L.A. Flagstad, T.V. Boucher, J.E. Grunblatt, and B. Koltun. 2008. Landcover classes, ecosystems and plant associations of Kenai Fjords National Park. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/KEFJ/NRTR 2008/136. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Carlson, M.L., S.D. Gisler, and S. Kelso. 2008. The role of reproduction assurance in the arctic: a comparative study of a homostylus and distylus species pair. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 40:39-47. |
Klein, S.C., J. Lenz, and T.V. Boucher. 2008. Long Term Monitoring Plots: Revisit of 5 Plots on Elmendorf Air Force Base. Natural and Cultural Resources Office, Elmendorf Air Force Base. Anchorage, Alaska. |
Al-Shehbaz, I.A., J.R. Grant, R. Lipkin, D.F. Murray, and C.L. Parker. 2007. Parrya nauruaq (Brassicaceae), a new species from Alaska. Novon 17:275-278. |
Carlson, M.L. 2007. Tangle Lakes rare vascular plant inventory: 2006 Technical Report. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 24 pp. |
Carlson, M.L., with contributions from J. Standley. 2007. Are pollinators important in the Arctic? Land People and Water. U.S. Dept. of Interior web newsletter. |
Flagstad, L.A. 2007. A Comparison of Aboveground and Belowground Community Succession Along a Proglacial Chronosequence in Kenai Fjords, Alaska. M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 143 pp. |
Boggs, K.W., M. Sturdy, and D.J. Rinella. 2006. White Spruce (Picea glauca) Regeneration in Forests Disturbed by Spruce Beetle (Dendroctonus rufipennis) in the Anchor River Watershed, Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 38 pp. |
Boucher, T.V., and B.R. Mead. 2006. Vegetation change and forest regeneration on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska following a spruce beetle outbreak, 1987-2000. Forest Ecology and Management 227:233-246. |
Carlson, M.L. 2006. Natural threats to the rare arctic primrose, Primula tschuktschorum: Goose grazing and reproductive interference with its sister species. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 20 pp. |
Carlson, M.L., R. Lipkin, H. Cortés-Burns, and I.V. Lapina. 2006. Stewart River Training Area: Rare Plant Survey 2006. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 37 pp. |
Boggs, K.W., and M. Sturdy. 2005. Plant associations and post-fire vegetation succession in Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve. Natural Resources Technical Report NPS/YUCH/NRTR-2005/001. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Carlson, M.L., R. Lipkin, and J. Michaelson. 2005. Southwest Alaska Network, Vascular Plant Inventory, Summary Report. NPS, Southwest Alaska Network. Anchorage, AK. Natural Resource Technical Report. NPS/AKR/SWAN/NRTR-2005/07. 38 pp. |
Lipkin R. 2005. Aniakchak National Monument and Preserve, vascular plant inventory, final technical report. National Park Service, Southwest Alaska Network. Anchorage, Alaska. Natural Resource Technical Report. NPS/AKR/SWAN/NRTR-2005/06. |
Pelabon, C., M.L. Carlson, T.F. Hansen, and W.S. Armbruster. 2005. Effects of crossing distance on offspring fitness and developmental stability in Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae). American Journal of Botany 92:842-851. |
Carlson, M.L., K.W. Boggs, R. Lipkin, and J. Michaelson. 2004. Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Vascular Plant Inventory. Cooperative Agreement between National Park Service, Southeast Alaska Network and Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 97 pp. |
Carlson, M.L., M. Sturdy, R. Lipkin, and J. Michaelson. 2004. Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Vascular Plant Inventory. Cooperative Agreement between National Park Service, Southeast Alaska Network and Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 93 pp. |
Carlson, M.L., R. Lipkin, M. Sturdy, and J. Michaelson. 2004. Kenai Fjords National Park Vascular Plant Inventory. Cooperative Agreement between National Park Service Alaska Region Inventory and Monitoring Program, Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 35 pp. |
Pelabon, C., M.L. Carlson, T.F. Hansen, N.G. Yoccoz, and W.S. Armbruster. 2004. Consequences of inter-population crosses on developmental stability and canalization in Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 17:19-23. |
Pelabon, C., T.F. Hansen, M.L. Carlson, and W.S. Armbruster. 2004. Variational and genetic properties of developmental stability in Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae). Evolution 58:504-514. |
Boggs, K.W., S.C. Klein, J.E. Grunblatt, and B. Koltun. 2003. Landcover classes, ecoregions, and plant associations of Katmai National Park and Preserve. Natural Research Technical Report NPS/KATM/NRTR-2003/001. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Boucher, T.V. 2003. Vegetation response to prescribed fire in the Kenai Mountains, Alaska. Res. Pap. PNW-RP-554. Portland, OR. Pacific Northwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. 59 pp. |
Carlson, M.L., and R. Lipkin. 2003. Alagnak Wild River & Katmai National Park Vascular Plant Inventory, Annual Technical Report. Cooperative Agreement between the National Park Service: Southwest Alaska Network and Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 69 pp. |
Hansen, T.F., C. Pelabon, W.S. Armbruster, and M.L. Carlson. 2003. Evolvability and genetic constraint in Dalechampia blossoms: components of variance and measures of evolvability. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16:754-766. |
Hansen, T.F., W.S. Armbruster, M.L. Carlson, and C. Pelabon. 2003. Evolvability and genetic constraint in Dalechampia blossoms: genetic correlations and conditional evolvability. Journal of Experimental Zoology 296:23-39. |
Tande, G. 2003. Delineation and classification of wetland vegetation: Sections 21, 22, 27-31 T31S, R19W, and Section 6 T32S, R19W, Narrow Cape, Kodiak Island, Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. |
Tande, G., and R. Lipkin. 2003. Wetland Sedges of Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 138 pp. |
Lipkin R. 2002. Lake Clark National Park and Preserve Vascular Plant Inventory 2001 Field Season Annual Progress Report. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 64 pp. |
Boggs, K., A. Garibaldi, J. Stephens, J. Grunblatt, and T. Helt. 2001. Denali National Park and Preserve landcover mapping project. Volume 2: landcover classes and plant associations. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/DENA/NRTR 2001/002. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Helt, T., K.W. Boggs, A. Garibaldi, S. Wesser, and J. Stevens. 2000. Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve Landcover Map. Earth Satellite Corporation, Rockville, Maryland. 103 pp. |
Lipkin, R., and G. Tande. 2001. A floristic survey of vascular plant species on Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. The Nature Conservancy and Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. |
Stevens, J.L., K.W. Boggs, A. Garibaldi, J.E. Grunblatt, and T. Helt. 2001. Denali National Park and Preserve landcover mapping project. Volume 1: remote sensing data, procedures, and results. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/DENA/NRTR 2001/001. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Tande, G., J. Michaelson, S. Klein, and J. Lenz. 2001. Establishment and characterization of long-term monitoring sites on Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 121 pp. + Appendices. |
Boggs, K.W. 2000. Classification of community types, successional sequences, and landscapes of the Copper River Delta. USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-469. 224 pp. |
Tande, G. 2000. Procedures for establishing long-term vegetation monitoring plots and the characterization of major vegetation types on Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 50 pp. + appendices. |
Tande, G., S. Klein, and J. Michaelson. 2000. Identification and characterization of disturbed alder sites on Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. |
Boggs, K., A. Garibaldi, J. Stephens, and T. Helt, 1999. Landsat derived map and landcover descriptions for Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/GAAR/NRTR 1999/001. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. |
Garibaldi, A. 1999. Medicinal flora of the Alaska Natives: a compilation of knowledge from literary sources of Aleut, Alutiiq, Athabascan, Eyak, Haida, Inupiat, Tlingit, Tsimshian, and Yupik traditional healing methods using plants. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. |
Klein, S.C. 1999. Map of forested habitats in Anchorages parks and greenbelts. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 64 pp. |
Lipkin, R. 1999. Floristic surveys of selected Alaskan Long Range Radar Sites, 1996. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 51 pp. |
Garibaldi, A., and K. Boggs. 1998. Floristic inventories of tidal marsh communities and peatlands in southeast Alaska Research Natural Areas. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. |
DeVelice, R., C. Hubbard, K. Boggs, S. Boudreau, M. Potkin, T. Boucher, and C. Wertheim. 1999. Plant Community Types of the Chugach National Forest: southcentral Alaska. Alaska Region Technical Publication R10-TP-76. 375 pp. |
Lichvar, R., C. Racine, B. Murray, G. Tande, R. Lipkin, and M. Duffy. 1997. A Floristic Inventory of Vascular and Cryptogram Plant Species at Fort Richardson, Alaska. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (Vicksburg, MS) and Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (Hanover, NH). Technical Report EL-97-4. 163 pp. |
Lipkin, R., and D.F. Murray. 1997. Alaska rare plant field guide. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Alaska Natural Heritage Program, and U.S. Forest Service. |
Racine, C., R. Lichvar, B. Murray, G. Tande, R. Lipkin, and M. Duffy. 1997. A floristic inventory and spatial database for Fort Wainwright, Interior Alaska. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, MS) and Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (Hanover, NH). CRREL Special Report 97-23. 75 pp. |
Lipkin, R. 1996. A botanical survey of the Goodnews Bay region, Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. |
Lipkin, R. 1996. Status survey update on Mertensia drumondii (Lehm.) G. Don. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. |
Tande, G. 1996. Mapping and classification of coastal marshes: Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 56 pp. and ArcView GIS database layer. |
Tande, G. 1996. Vegetation of Fort Wainwright Military Reservation, Alaska. Appendix A. In: C. H. Racine and R. Lichvar. A floristic inventory for Fort Wainwright, Interior Alaska. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station (Vicksburg, MS) and Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (Hanover, NH). 122p. CRREL SR97-23. |
Tande, G., R. Lipkin, and M. Duffy. 1996. Floristic inventory of Fort Wainwright Military Installation, Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 68 pp. |
Garibaldi, A., and R. Lipkin. 1995. Summary of rare species and critical habitats in the Alaska Army National Guard southwestern Alaska training sites. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. |
Lipkin, R., and C. Parker. 1995. Rare vascular plants of the BLM Dalton Highway utility corridor. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 79 pp. |
Story, J., K. Boggs, W. Good, M. White, and R. Nowierski. 1995. Cause and extent of predation on Urophora spp. larvae (Diptera: Tephritidae) in spotted knapweed capitula. Environmental Entomology 24:1467-1472. |
Tande, G., and K. Boggs. 1995. Vegetation mapping and inventory. Narrow Cape, Alaska. In: Kodiak Launch Complex: Environmental assessment and baseline. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. Vol. 2, Appendix 3, pp. 1-14. |
Tande, G., R. Lipkin, and M. Duffy. 1995. Results of a floristic inventory of Fort Richardson Military Reservation, Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 74 pp. |
DeLapp, J. 1994. Inventory of rare plants of Misty Fiords National Monument, USDA Forest Service, Region Ten. The Science Division at The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, VA, and Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 63 pp. |
Duffy, M. 1994. Arnica lessingii ssp. norbergii in the Portage area: a sensitive species survey. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. |
Duffy, M. 1994. The Mahoney Lakes area of Revillagigedo Island, Southeastern Alaska: A sensitive species survey. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. |
Lipkin, R. 1994. Endangered, threatened, and candidate species: plants. In: Kodiak Launch Complex: Environmental Assessment and Baseline. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. Vol. 3, pp. 63-66. |
Lipkin, R. 1994. Status report on Artemisia glomerata Ledeb. var. subglabra Hulten. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. |
Lipkin, R. 1994. Status report on Rumex krausei Jurtz. & Petrovsky. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 19 pp. |
DeLapp, J. 1993. 1993 Supplement to the rare vascular plant species of the U.S. Forest Service Alaska Region. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 350 pp. |
Duffy, M. 1993. Results of the 1993 rare plant survey, U.S. Forest Service, Alaska Region. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 65 pp. |
DeLapp, J. 1992. 1992 Supplement to the rare vascular plant species of the U.S. Forest Service Alaska Region. The Nature Conservancy and Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 277 pp. |
Tande, G. 1992. Alaska Natural Heritage Program Field Report: Vegetation inventory of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska. The Nature Conservancy and Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 32 pp. |
DeLapp, J. 1991. Rare vascular plant species of the U.S. Forest Service Alaska Region. The Nature Conservancy and Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 221 pp. |
Lipkin, R., and G. Tande. 1991. Alaska Natural Heritage Program Field Report: Botanical survey of the Salmon Fork of the Black River. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. |
Williams, C., and R. Lipkin. 1991. Rare plants of the Steese National Conservation Area and White Mountain National Recreation Area. The Nature Conservancy and Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. 40 pp. |