The publications table below lists peer-reviewed journal articles and unreviewed project reports that ACCS staff have produced or contributed to. Use the search function to search for particular phrases, key words, authors, or other identifiers that might help you find a publication of interest. You can also change the sort order of the table by clicking the header cells. When available, the publication is linked through the title.
Citation |
Guerrón-Orejuela E., K. Rains, T. Brigino, W. Kleindl, S. Landry, P. Spellman, C. Walker, and M. Rains. 2023. Mapping groundwater recharge potential in high latitude landscapes using public data, remote sensing, and analytic hierarchy process. Remote Sensing 15(10):2630. |
Schloemer, J., L. Munk, and K. Iken. 2023. Marine and Not Terrestrial Resources Support Nearshore Food Webs Across a Gradient of Glacial Watersheds in the Northern Gulf of Alaska. Estuaries and Coasts. |
Gerlach M.E., K.C. Rains, E.J. Guerrón-Orejuela, W.J. Kleindl, J. Downs, S.M. Landry, and M.C. Rains. 2022. Using remote sensing and machine learning to locate groundwater discharge to salmon-bearing streams. Remote Sensing 14(1):63. |
Guo, C., B.H. Konar, K.B. Gorman, and C.M. Walker. 2022. Environmental factors important to high-latitude nearshore estuarine fish community structure. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 201:105109. |
Walker, C.M., D.F. Whigham, I.S. Bentz, J.M. Argueta, R.S. King, M.C. Rains, C.A. Simenstad, C. Guo, S.J. Baird, and C.J. Field. 2021. Linking landscape attributes to salmon and decision-making in the southern Kenai Lowlands, Alaska, USA. Ecology and Society 26:1. |
Vandersea, M.W., S.R. Kibler, P.A. Tester, K. Holderied, D.E. Hondoleroc, K. Powell, S. Baird, A. Doroff, D. Dugan, and R.W. Litaker. 2018. Environmental factors influencing the distribution and abundance of Alexandrium catenella in Kachemak bay and lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Harmful Algae 77:81-92. |
Callahan, M.K., D.F. Whigham, M.C. Rains, K.C. Rains, R.S. King, C.M. Walker, J.R. Maurer, and S.J. Baird. 2017. Nitrogen Subsidies from Hillslope Alder Stands to Streamside Wetlands and Headwater Streams, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 53:478-492. |
Robbins, C.J., R.S. King, A.D. Yeager, C.M. Walker, J.A. Back, R.D. Doyle, and D.F. Whigham. 2017. Low-level addition of dissolved organic carbon increases basal ecosystem function in a boreal headwater stream. Ecosphere 8:e01739. |
Callahan, M.K., M.C. Rains, J.C. Bellino, C.M. Walker, S.J. Baird, D.F. Whigham, and R.S. King. 2015. Controls on Temperature in Salmonid‐Bearing Headwater Streams in Two Common Hydrogeologic Settings, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51:84-98. |
Hoem Neher, T.D., A.E. Rosenberger, C.E. Zimmerman, C.M. Walker, and S.J. Baird. 2014. Use of glacier river-fed estuary channels by juvenile Coho Salmon: transitional or rearing habitats? Environmental Biology of Fishes 97:839-850. |
Hoem Neher, T.D., A.E. Rosenberger, C.E. Zimmerman, C.M. Walker, and S.J. Baird. 2013. Estuarine environments as rearing habitats for juvenile coho salmon in contrasting south-central Alaska watersheds. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:1481-1494. |
Doroff, A., O. Badajos, K. Corbell, D. Jenski, and M. Beaver. 2012. Assessment of sea otter (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) diet in Kachemak Bay, Alaska 2008–2010. IUCN/SSC Otter Specialist Group Bulletin 29:15-23. |
King, R.S., C.M. Walker, D.F. Whigham, S.J. Baird, and J.A. Back. 2012. Catchment topography and wetland geomorphology drive macroinvertebrate community structure and juvenile salmonid distributions in south-central Alaska headwater streams. Freshwater Science 31:341-364. |
Walker, C.M., R.S. King, D.F. Whigham, and S.J. Baird. 2012. Landscape and wetland influences on headwater stream chemistry in the Kenai Lowlands, Alaska. Wetlands 32:301-310. |
Whigham, D.F., C.M. Walker, R.S. King, and S.J. Baird. 2012. Multiple scales of influence on wetland vegetation associated with headwater streams in Alaska, USA. Wetlands 32:411-422. |
Dekar, M.P., R.S. King, J.A. Back, D.F. Whigham, and C.M. Walker. 2011. Allochthonous inputs from grass-dominated wetlands support juvenile salmonids in headwater streams: evidence from stable isotopes of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Freshwater Science 31:121-132. |
Adams, P.N., P. Ruggiero, G.C. Schoch, and G. Gelfenbaum. 2007. Intertidal sand body migration along a megatidal coast, Kachemak Bay, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 112:F02007. |
Schoch, G.C., and H. Chenelot. 2004. The Role of Estuarine Hydrodynamics in the Distribution of Kelp Forests in Kachemak Bay, Alaska. Journal of Coastal Research 45:179-194. |